Saturday, March 13, 2010

Overwhelmed by the Greatness of God

The other day I was sitting out on the beach, taking a closer look at Isaiah 40 and Psalm 8, and came to realize that I was faced with a difficult task: trying to wrap my head around the greatness of God. This idea is something that has been on my mind for quite some time now as the Lord has begun to open my eyes, my heart, my mind and my spirit to more of who he is-and as he has done so, he has shown me just how BIG he really is. Everything about him. His grace. His beauty. His power. His affection for me. His forgiveness and perfect mercy. His strength. His unconditional love.

To think...that the God of the universe is jealous for me.
To think...that the creator of heaven and earth desires all of me.
To think...that he would even want anything to do with me.
To, a wretched sinner who falls off the righteous path on a daily basis, is desired for by God.
To think...that me, a small human, like dust, like a grasshopper, who can be blown away by a breath of his wind and will someday wither like the grass, is unconditionally loved by Jesus.
To think...He laid his life down so me, a poor sinner, could live.
To, who is prideful, who takes for granted the love he offers me daily through countless ways, who forgets to put Him in my day, who acts as if I am my only refuge or saving grace at times, who builds my riches up on earth sometimes more than I'd like to admit, who can be two-faced, a liar, a cheater, who causes pain onto others, who spends money foolishly at times, who can be so full of my desires of the flesh, who spends my time serving myself instead of God and his people, who has a jealous heart, who forgets to speak with love, who becomes irrational, impatient and impulsive at times, who can be all to ungrateful at times...this girl, this very forgiven and loved by the God of the Universe.

Now that, is one incredibly insane thought to wrap my head around. I am completely unworthy of His perfect love. He is everything I am not. A perfect grace. Undeserved. Taken for granted. Freely given to me.

I hope you will take the time to read through Isaiah 40 and Psalm 8. They aren't that long, but they are full of richness. The words spoken in both of these will undoubtedly and inevitably open your eyes to more about who is God of ours his-that is, just how great he truly is.

Anyone who knows me, can testify to my sin. They have either seen me commit it, wallow in it, become absorbed by it, or even complacent to it at times. I am not here to convey myself as anyone worthy of the blood of the Lamb. I am not here to convey myself as someone who is always gracious, always loving, always a good friend, a good sister, and good daughter. I am not here to convey myself as anything except who I really am: a sinner. One who has given into and been covered by sin, at times so much that I felt like I was drowning or at least barely keeping my head above water. When I look at my past history, there is no way I could win an argument against Christ that I am worthy of any sort of grace. Not one droplet of mercy should be given to me after the depth of my sin is laid out on the table. But what does the Lord tell me? What is his response to all of this?

"That her inequity has been removed, that she has received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins" (Isaiah 40:2).

When I read something like this, I am overwhelmed. The glory of the Lord floods over my broken bones and weary body. There is freedom to be found. Complete freedom from the chains of all of my sin that have held me down for far too long. And when I experience this freedom-it is then that I am experiencing the glory of God in all its greatness. His righteousness. My unrighteousness. They merge and what do I receive? I receive the Lord's hand double for all my sins.

"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, And marked off the heavens by the span, And calculated the dust of the earth by the measure, And weighed the mountains in a balance And the hills in a pair of scales?" (Isaiah 40:12)

Look around you-for just a moment even, stop and look around you. Listen to the rain. Watch the sun setting over the horizon. Stare endlessly down that long dirt road that seems to run forever endlessly. Everything that was created. Everything that is in front of your eyes that you can see, or smell, or touch or feel...none of that was created by our own doing. When you really stop to look around you and see how beautiful this creation really is-it truly will overwhelm you. So stop. Slow down. Breathe. Let creation sink into you for just a moment even. Let it radiate through your soul. Let it take over your busy mind. Let it capture your innermost being. This creation, this wonderfully made creation-made by the same God who desires me. The same God who is so great and powerful enough to create such beauty, desires all of me. He is jealous for my love. This love is the love of a jealous kind. And to think how often I desire other things before God...I consider other things, or at least, I act as if I do, (which actions seem to explain what it is we value more than anything) of greater value or importance. I idolize. I put worldly treasures first. I seek them out instead of searching for the heart of God. Academics, my physical body/appearance, certain people/friends and relationships in my life, my future, money, material objects, desires of the flesh, my resume, status, reputation....the list is endless! These are just a few of the things I put before God, desiring and valuing these before him. How can I even compare the value, the worth, the importance of any of these with the greatness of God?! Pretty foolish don't you think? These are simply nothing. They too are like dust that will fade. Worldly treasures that will never fulfill, will never love me, will never save me, will never do anything but distract me from what this life I'm living is truly all about. All of these things...."Scarcely have they been planted, Scarcely have they been sown, Scarcely has their stock taken root in the earth. But He merely blows on them, and they wither, And the storm carries them away like stubble." (Isaiah 40:24).

There is absolutely nothing of comparison on this earth to the greatness of our Lord. I live my life all too often (more than I would like to admit) with a likeness for these before Him. "To whom then will you liken Me that I would be his equal?" (Isaiah 40:25). How foolish it is that I live as if any of these things are equally like worth or in greatness. Now you and I can say by our words what we value. But it is our actions which will always speak louder, and in many cases, convict us and humble us, as they define our values. They help to point out if we are likening anything to be equal compared to God.

You see, I do not escape the Lord. And neither do you. You will never escape his care for you. This Lord, who hung the stars in the sky (Isaiah 40:26) CARES for you. Cares for me. My small broken self does not escape the affection of the Lord. The God who created the stars is powerful and it is by that same power, that He also cares for me. Nothing escapes him. And how amazing is it to think, that the creator of all the heavens and the earth-that same God, cares deeply for me? How worthy he is of our praise-that he would even stop for a second to grant us his care and attention. (Isaiah 40:29). How undeserving of his love am I. He is good and kind and great. I am a sinner, weak, small, running in my shape, complacent in my sin. So I have nothing to do except cry out for forgiveness. I give into all wordly pleasures, placing them before him too many times to count-a God so great he created this all. And yet, a God so great, and so good, he loves me enough to forgive me of all of that sin. How do I even come before Him? I am covered in my sin, I have nothing to offer Him but my broken heart. I am left with the resounding words of these lyrics playing in my head:

"So I offer up my life. It's all that I have to give.
And confess that I have sinned. Praise the Lamb, Praise the Lamb who was slayed."

I am left with a loss of words. A sinner who has but the world first, before Him who died for me-He still wants me! He forgives me, he loves me unconditionally despite what I have done. With that one sacrifice, I am forever forgiven. All of my sin. Gone as far as the East from the West and he remembers it no more. I am undeserving. He deserves so much more me me. I am left humbled. I am left overwhelmed. By a God so great, who has already done it all-forgiven me and stood by me. Never let me down and never let me go. I have been made new. By his sacrifice, I am granted life. And it is times like these where I can't help but thank him. Thank him for humbling me enough. For giving me a greater glimpse into the depth of my sin and the depth of his love for me. I am thankful for the conviction, that I may be led to repent and receive his perfect forgiveness. A love so undeserving, I am left without words. It is times like these, where I can feel my heart being awaken, where I can feel the Holy Spirit stirring in me, calling me.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A broken friendship: Feeling the pain of unmet expectations

A few weeks ago at small group, we went through Luke 4: 38-39, talking about the healing power of Jesus. I was tired when I came to small group and to be completely honest, my mind was not feeling exactly "open" to taking in anything. My heart seemed to be a part from my body when I walked into the door, but where exactly it was, I couldn't tell you. All I know is that it was somewhere far away hurting. Feeling the bleeding and the scarring and the open wounds of a broken friendship. It was torn. It was left there to bleed, all the while I was doing everything I could do hold the tears back. So I walked into my small group, with repressed tears and a bleeding heart that I couldn't seem to even locate. I had tried to take my heart and all its feelings out of me the past few days prior to this small group, because the pain I was feeling was almost too much to bear. I decided that maybe becoming numb to it all would be better then feeling the hurt and pain. Typing this now, I am almost led to laugh at myself, for the way I responded to this is all to typical for me. I feel the hurt, I experience the pain. And my flesh is led to try and become numb to it all. Numb enough so I won't feel the pain. Numb enough so if the scar becomes an open wound, maybe it won't bleed as much as it normally would. Anyone who knows me well enough can testify that this is true of me. To be completely honest, its something about me that I've always been ashamed about. I hate that I do that. That I shut down, push it all out, try to become numb to it all. It's a nasty habit of mine that I have done my entire life, although I was unaware that I did it until I started getting called out on it. A perfect demonstration of accountability-thank you to that person who loved me enough to call me out on it. You know who you are.

My issue with becoming numb and putting up walls and shutting down is a topic for another day. For now, let me go back to where this all started with small group. This tangent I have gotten off on does relate to the story, I promise. What I was originally saying, is that I came to small group broken hearted, beat up and with a close mind. All I wanted to do was sleep it all away. I was tired. Restless. Frustrated. Angry. Sad. Confused. And overwhelmed. I wanted an escape. I wanted a way out. I had been feeling this way for a couple weeks but each day it hadworsened. That is, until this Tuesday evening small group. My reasoning for feeling this heart ache and brokenness? It was the result of a broken friendship. My reasoning for mentioning this Tuesday night small group so many times? Because it is here where God found me, rescued me, opened up my spirit and my heart to his, and led me to a beautiful escape with him. It's as if he literally came down, picked me up, dusted off my dirty shirt, wiped the tears from my face, and placed his hand over my broken heart. It was in this very moment where I could feel how much the Lord loves me. I had been running in shame because of my disappointment and anger with myself. I was angry with how I had hurt this friend of mine. Angry at myself. Ashamed at my actions that had hurt her so badly, all of which I did unintentionally, which perhaps made it even worse. I was disappointed in myself, upset with myself, so frustrated with myself, for I had hurt someone who always had meant so much to me. Someone who confided in me. Someone who loved me unconditionally. A real friend who I had hurt-in so many ways. And what was even worse, is that I was completely unaware for so long just how badly I was hurting her. I was unaware of just how many things I was doing that were causing her pain in this friendship. I was ignorant. I was removed. I was completely unaware. This, more than anything else is why I was feeling the broken heart-not just because the friendship was at a breaking point, but because so much of what happened to make it become broken, was a result of my actions in the friendship, my behavior, that was unintentionally hurting this friend so badly...and I wasn't even aware that I was doing it. If that isn't a bold face reminder of my humanity and the depth of my sin...A reminder of just how capable we are of hurting others because we are human, we are sinners, we are not perfect. It was humbling really. To be reminded of what my flesh is capable of. To be reminded of just how sinful and human I really am.

Okay, now, back to the beginning....Luke 4:38-39. As the evening continued at small group, I could feel the Lord pulling at my heart. And it hurt. Because like I said, I wanted to be numb to it all. All the pain that I was feeling from this broken friendship. So when he started pulling at my heart with scripture, he was making me think about it. Relating everything to this broken friendship. And you know what I realized? I realized that not only was I so upset because I was becoming aware finally, of how much I had hurt this friend, but it was also because I was indeed hurt myself. This friend of mine, this dear friend, had hurt me to. She had, unintentionally just like me, without even knowing it, caused me so much pain. And the worst part was that she didn't even know she had done it. I know her heart well enough that I know she never would intend on hurting me. But like me, she too is human. And so like me, she caused pain. I was feeling the affects of past inequities that she had done unto me that, for the first time, I was realizing really did hurt a lot worst then I had ever let on before. A lot more then I had ever fully realized. Her and I are the same. Human. Sinners. Capable of causing great pain in one another's lives. And we did.

This small group of mine is one of the greatest blessings in my life. They make me talk about it. About the hurt and the pain. Even when I want to shut down and cry and hold back. They make me open up. Because they want me to experience the God of all comfort. For you girls-thank you. Your accountability and your love for me means so much more then you will ever know. You see, that's exactly what they did-or rather, that's exactly what God used them for on this night. He showed me comfort. A comfort that I would not have experienced had I not been challenged to talk about the pain. Healing is good, this is true. But where does healing come from? It comes from first feeling the pain. Pain can yield healing, it can eventually lead to healing, and with the power and grace of the Lord, it will. But we must first take off the temporary bandages that we have put over the wounds to stop the bleeding. We must first be willing to feel the pain, experience the hot tears running down our face, let the blood of the deep cut run until it can run no longer. We must feel the pain before we can experience the healing. Needless to say, healing is hard. It's a process. It's baby steps. It can take a long time. It's hard because it forces you to feel the pain. Forces you to feel what it is that is making you so desperate and in need of healing. But you see, that's the beauty of it all-because there is healing. There is a band aid that is not just temporary, but its permanent-and it's called the love and grace of Jesus Christ. He promises to mend our broken hearts. We can't escape him. Thus, we can't escape his healing power. So long as we live in this world, there will be pain. We live in a broken world, one we were not created to live in. But the Lord promises to not forsake us. He will not leave us. In times of darkness, in times of shame and loneliness-he promises to pull us through. No matter what we do, no matter what we are feeling, he is never far away.

2 Corinthians 1:3-7 (The God of all comfort)
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ. But if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; or if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is effective in the patient enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer; and our hope for you is firmly grounded, knowing that as you are sharers of our sufferings, so also are you sharers of our comfort."

When we read through this at small group on that Tuesday night, a cord was struck in my heart. For the first time in a couple weeks, there was a sense of peace brought to this weary heart of mine. And so I couldn't help but cry. And if you know me, you know I don't do that very often. But the Lord shook me so much, he pulled my heart out of the hiding place I thought I had left it, and he made me feel. Yes, there was the feeling of pain. But greater then this was the feeling of comfort. The feeling of his love wrapping around my broken bones. The feeling of his godliness accepting my humanness, in all of my sin, and just taking me as I was. Broken. Bruised. Dirty. Covered in shame. Covered in sin. I was hurting. My heart was broken. Broken because I had hurt a friend and broken because she had hurt me. And he took me in all my humanity and showered comfort on me. Poured it on in the midst of the suffering. He did exactly what he said he would do.

The beautiful part of it all, is that God was already aware of my heart. He already knew what it was feeling. He already knew what it was desiring. Let me offer myself here open and honestly with something that my heart, as a woman of God, has an extreme need of: I have a needing to be needed. I want others to need me. I want others to confide in me, to trust me enough with their heart that they will share it with me and allow me to see it as it really is. It's one of my deepest needs: to be needed. Interesting don't you think? Another thing that I do, or that I find myself doing more often then I would like to admit, is that I look to others to provide for my needs. Instead of letting the Lord meet my needs, instead of depending completely on him and the truth that he will supply, I look to others. I look to close companions. I look to people. But more specifically, not just "people," but to my closest friends. And so this is what I did with this particular person. I wanted her to need me. I wanted her to trust me enough so that she would confide in me. I wanted all of her heart. But what I realized was pretty selfish of me was that, although I wanted all of her heart, I wasn't willing to give her mine. And for awhile, she really did need me. Or at least I felt like it. And it felt good of course, because one of my deepest desires, to be needed, was being fulfilled. I was looking to her to fulfill that desire. I wanted to be needed, and there she was needing me, so of course I felt content. But then time went on and things changed, and soon she didn't need me like she once did. And that hurt. All of a sudden my desire to be needed was no longer fulfilled by her because she wasn't needing me like she used to. I was hurt. I became angry although I didn't realize at the time just how upset it really made me. And apart from all of this, I realized that I had been looking for her to meet some of my other needs. I wanted her to love me exactly how I thought she did. I wanted her to give me all of her heart and take what I gave her of my heart and cherish that. No, I didn't give her my whole heart, but what I did I wanted her to save it and hold on to it. I wanted her to give me all the love in the world-and more. In a nutshell, I was depending on her for what I should have been depending on God for. I was looking for her to fulfill desires of mine that only God can provide and fulfill. I was placing expectations on her-expectations to always love me how I though was necessary, to always be here for me, to never let me down, to never hurt me. All of these are expectations we should be looking to God to uphold. Because he does and he has and he always will. But I was looking to her to meet these expectations. They went unspoken-for I never told her I expected these things from her. But they also were expectations I didn't even know I was making for her. They were unrealistic, but I put them on her. It's like a high jump event at a track meet-when the coach demands that the bar be placed so high without even thinking twice about it-and he just assumes that you'll make it over. Well, that's what I did. I just assumed that this friend of mine could make the jump. That she could live up to this bar, this idealistic expectation of mine. An expectation that only God can uphold. One that I certainly could not dream of upholding myself in all my wildest dreams. Even if I tried. I would fail. Anyone would.

Luke 6:35 "But love...and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return"
Job 41:9 "Behold, your expectation is false."

My expectations put on this friend were false, for the simple fact that I put expectations on her at all! Not to mention, they were completely unrealistic. I know this sounds strange, trust me I do. It sounds strange to say that we shouldn't put expectations on one another. As if by saying that, I am also insulting her-saying that she is not worthy to have any expectations put upon her by me. That's not what I'm trying to portray here-and I certainly do not mean it as any sort of insult, but not expecting anything from her, or anyone for that matter. What I'm saying is that the Lord calls us to expect great things from Him. But how often do we forget this and put these expectations on one another? We look to the world to fulfill our deepest needs and desires. All along, God knows all of these, even the ones we are unaware of. He is the ultimate fulfillment. Yet, we turn to the world and to one another to fill them? Hmmm....something about that doesn't quite make sense. Time and time again the world lets us down. It will continue to. And when it comes to friendship-I am a firm believer that a true friend, a real friend, will never let you go. But that is not equivalent to saying he/she will never let you down. And I must admit that far too often I mesh those together and see them as the same thing. I start believing that a real friend will never, or should never at least, let me down. I forget that not letting me go is not the same as letting me down. A real friend can let me down and will let me down, but still never let me go. Because we are human-we will hurt one another. We will let one another down. We will truly never be enough for the other person. We can't be. We can't be another person's everything. Only God can be. God blesses us deeply and richly when he gives us a close friend. An unforgettable friend. A friend who will, despite anything that happens, will never let us go. That is the mark of a true friend in my book. But that does not mean he/she will not let me down. And it is not fair to that person for me to expect that she will never let me down, or disappoint me, or hurt me. Because, just as she will, so too will I towards her. I will hurt her, I will let her down, I will disappoint her. That's what happened. That's what has happened. We have hurt one another. We have failed to meet one another's unspoken, unrealistic expectations that we set for one another that we didn't even know we were setting or putting on the other person to meet. And so when the other person, in all her humanity and imperfection, failed to meet those expectations, the other person fell hard. And it hurt. It hurt like hell. The fall was a long and hard one because the expectation was so high and so big. We expected too much. And when we couldn't meet these expectations for one another, we were left falling. We hit the ground. And our hearts were broken. And now we're left feeling the repercussions of it all.

I had needs and desires and expectations for you friend. I wanted you to meet all of these. Time and time again, since the beginning of this friendship, this wonderful friendship, I wanted and expected certain things from you-from this friendship of ours. I forgot to look to God to find all of these things. For him to fulfill all of these within me. I doubted when he told me that he will be the supplier of all my needs. Rather, what I was actually saying was this: "But this friend of mine God, she can fulfill that need for me." The minute you let me down I was crushed. The minute you didn't meet my expectations, I got angry. I got hurt. I got disappointed and sad.

What would the world be like if we didn't place these unrealistic expectations on one another? On any relationship-family, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, anything? How different would our world be if we started looking solely to God to fulfill our everything, as we have been called to do since the beginning? We have all these things, such a long list of things that we want a significant other person, such as a close friend, to meet and the minute they don't we are crushed. What then do we do? Well, in my experience with this friend, our response has been this: we drive miles of distance in between us. We do it out of the anger we have towards one another. We do it out of the hurt that has come from letting one another down and the anger that has come from feeling let down. We don't want to be let down, hurt or have our expectations go unmet anymore. We don't want to risk letting the other person hurt us so badly again, so we create distance. We drive a wedge and a mountain in between us. Wide enough and tall enough and big enough so we can be sure that we will never again be hurt. We make certain that this person can never get close enough to us, close enough to our hearts, that they will hurt us again. We lock up, we shut down, we get angry and we get passive aggressive. And before you know it, so much time has passed that we become complacent and numb in the friendship-if you can even call it a friendship anymore. We don't think about it. It's simply a part of the past now. A painful memory that we wish to keep far away from our heart and mind so that we don't have to feel the pain. We try to keep it far away, for we know it creeps up close enough to the forefront of our heart and mind, then we will be faced with thinking about it. And thinking about it means we will have to feel something. And that feeling something will involve pain. The band aid will have to be removed. The blood will have to be set free to flow. The scar will open up.

Dear friend, what I pray is this: that you and I will both remember the truth that the Lord promises us in 2 Corinthians as our God of all compassion and comfort: He promises to comfort us. He promises to heal us. To comfort and heal us from this pain. This pain that has been boiling in us and trapped in us and this friendship for far too long. He promises to bring healing, but we must realize that we are being healed from past pains-pains that hurt. And we cannot fully experience that healing if we refuse to feel the pain. We cannot fully experience the amazing healing power of Jesus Christ in this friendship if we continue to be numb to the pain, to be complacent, to leave it buried in the past as a past and painful memory that we hope to never re visit again. If we let our anger get the best of us. If he let the hurt and the pain and awful ache that it has caused-and the anger that it has produced as a result-swallow us whole. If we shut down our hearts to the idea of forgiveness-real forgiveness...then healing can never come. If we push the past aside as something that never happened, if we refuse to be open and honest with one another about our hurting and our grievences, if we pretend as if none of this happened at all-then the heart will only grow harder towards one another. Christ alone is the only one who can soften our hearts. In our flesh, in our humanity, we cannot do it alone. Christ alone is the only one who can allow us to forgive as he forgave. We alone, cannot do it. There is forgivness to be found. There is healing in this friendship yet to be discovered. There is maturity and growth to be experienced. The question is: are you ready to find it? Are you ready to discover it? Are you ready to allow the Lord to move in you and your heart so that you can experience it? Dear friend, I am praying for you.

Dear Friend

Right now I thank God, for he is good. I am sitting in this coffee house (another favorite of mine) with her. With this girl, this friend who means more to me than life itself. And as I look up to see what she is doing, I cannot help but smile. Because this girl, this girl sitting right across the table for me, is a gift from God. She doesn't always get it when I tell her that. But it's the truth. If only she could get inside my mind and heart for the moment and feel what it is I feel with her. Feel what it is when I think of her. When I look up and see her writing away, reading away, doing whatever it is she may be doing. Then, well maybe then, she would understand what I mean when I say she is a blessing from God. He really must have known what he was doing when He gave me such a friend. He really must have known just how much in need of her I was. If ever I am asked a time and a place where I experience the love of Christ the most-I would say whenever and wherever I am with this friend of mine. Time of day is irrelevant. Location is irrelevant. Form of communication is irrelevant. The Lord loves me through her more than she will ever know. He radiates his love onto me through this friend. He uses her in my life more than anyone could be used I think. I am constantly amazed by how much I see God loving me through her. And to think-it's only the beginning of a very long and endless friendship.

But right now, we're sitting together at this coffee house. Which is normal for us. Because, well, that's something we do. And I'm diving into scripture, theology and being challenged by her wisdom and faith, though she doesn't even know she's challenging me. She tells me she is constantly learning from me, but hardly stops to realize how much the wisdom that the Lord has blessed her with is impacting my every day. And its at this very moment that I realize I am so lucky because I am constantly surrounded by this sort of an environment. Or at least I have the utter and complete fredom to be in this sort of an environment. One where Jesus is the center of the conversation. Where I am constantly being pushed deeper in my faith, challenged by others wisdom and surrounded by those who love Christ and know the heart of God. Those who wish to love him beside me, walk beside me to draw nearer to the heart of who he really is. Who desire to know him more, love him deeper. Who want to find joy in the pain, who turn to him with anxieties and burdens of this world. And who remind me to do the same. An environment where I am reminded to trust God completely, find my peace and joy in him. I am encouraged to seek him, draw near to him, for he will draw near to you. (James 4). I am pushed to let myself find him in the quiet of a busy day. To look for him in everyone. To be constantly living a lifestyle of prayer and purpose-that I may grow his kingdom with those who share my passion-or the passions of my heart. I am constantly being poured into; so that I may then pour out onto others. Whether its at bible study or small group, a car ride and late night coffee or sonic run, a shared mix cd with powerful lyrics, or anything else...I find authentic conversation, a real community. Washed over by his love, accountability without having to ask twice, truth and grace int he same place.

Yes, I am blessed by this. By this community. By this environment. The countless experiences on a day to day basis, no matter how simple-they are never insignificant. I find real love in friendship. I find a hand to hold me firm in the ground when my faith is shaken. I am reminded of the cross when darkness falls upon me. I am reminded to not fear when all seems lost, but to rest in the power of the cross. Simple words of his truth spoken to me through others and through experiences-always creatively, always unexpectedly. All I have to do is slow down long enough to hear them. To hear his voice amidst a lifestyle that can sometimes be so full of clutter, pointless noise, to do lists, schedules full of things we aren't called to do, stress and 100 mph speed of living...amidst all of this he has called me to get lost in his love. Lost in the heart of Christ. Lost in his grace and peace. Lost in his touch. Lost in my Savior. Washed over by a heart that loves me more then I can understand. Feels like water cleansing my dirty skin.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Love Encounter With Christ

Today, I had a love encounter with Christ. The past couple of weeks, although tiring and hard, have been a time of awakening-or the beginning of an awakening for me. And especially since this past Thursday, I really have just felt God draw so near to me and felt him showing me more of himself known to me. His presence has been in this place-wherever this place has been exactly. I guess you could say it's been all over the place. Thursday I was sitting at Pearl Cup coffee house, Friday I was outside at Turtle Creek Park, and today I find myself at Treasure Cay Island in the Bahamas. This "place" has not been stationary. It's moved across boarders and even across the country lines. But by no means has that stopped the Lord from being here. Right here, right now, in this place. Where I am, there he has been. He has been awakening my heart, drawing me closer to the heart of God and bringing me to times of complete stillness. Times where I can just stop and be. Times where for the moment, the world seems to stop and all else fades. And I am left alone with Jesus. Surrounded by my maker's presence and captivated by his beauty, his goodness and the greatnsss of his creation. He stops me long enough so I can listen and really hear him. He stops me so I can really feel him-all around me. I am in that place, that still-time moment where I cant help but smile and pray and praise him. Call out for him to be my everything. Call out for him to take all of it-all of my wants, my needs, desires, passions, disappointments, fears, inadequate feelings, sins, all of it-to take it and steal my life. All of who I am all of who I hope and dream and wish to be, all of what I think I'm not-and make it his. Because I am his. My life is his life.

A beautiful love encounter with Jesus. And what's even cooler, is even thought he past few days have been a re occurring love encounter with him, I know its not even about the "feeling" per se. And so I have hope, that even though my heart still desires for this "feeling" that comes with this love encounter to be even more powerful and more real, I know its okay. Because its still just as real, just as powerful, and just as much from God as anything. So I am thankful for that. It is so much more than the feeling of it all. And that, I cannot help but think is a blessing. For the Lord to reveal himself even more beyond feelings. He is that big and that capable to be able to do such a thing. As humans, we constantly rely on the "feeling" of it all, or more so, the "right feeling." The right feeling of the first kiss, the right feeling of success, the right feeling of acceptance and love. But the truth is, all of these feelings are measured according to worldly standards. We look to the world to provide us with the answer as to what an adequate feeling is, to what a meaningful, the most meaningful feeling, really feels like. It almost makes me laugh, because God is so much bigger than that! So much bigger and more powerful then any of those feelings. Those feelings are only big enough to stick in a bottle. Those feelings barely scratch the surface. Those feelings could be kept inside a box and would never be pressing hard enough to escape because they are that small and trapped and limited. God is bigger. I am here to tell you, that God is bigger then that bottle, bigger then that box. God doesn't just scratch the surface. He explodes it.

Lord I pray that you put this fear of mine to rest. A fear that you are already completely aware of. You knew about it before I did. You know my hearts' needs before I do. So this fear of mine-that this passion I have to draw near to you will soon fade-well that this very fear, you were already aware of. And I want to surrender it to you God. I don't want to believe in it because it is a lie. Lord may I surrender this fear of mine, completely to you. Do not let it sink into me as truth. Overcome this fear Lord. And so instead of believing this, I cry out to you these lyrics that speak so well to my heart (David Crowder):

Send me a sign. A hint. A whisper.
Throw me a light. Cuz I am listening.
Come break the quiet. Breathe your awakening.
Bring me the light. Cuz I am fading.
Surround me with a rush of angels, awake.
Shine your lights o I can see you.
Pull me up, I need to be near you.
Hold me, I need to feel loved.
Can you overcome this heart thats overcome?

This Lord, is a prayer of my heart. I pray for, day after day, more love encounters with you. I will continue to draw near to you Lord. And you promise in James 4:8, that if I do then you will draw near to me.
James 4:8
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

So I will hold onto that promise. I pray for continued awakening. Awaken this heart of mine. Open these eyes. That I may be completely aware of my creator. That i may be totally overwhelmed by your presence, your jealous love of a hurricane for me, and completely in awe of our beauty, your great affection for me, and the great power of your hands. I pray that you will do whatever you have to do to wake up this sleepy heart of mine and set it on fire for you alone-my Savior, my God. This is a prayer that I have been coming to you with for quite some time. But like you tell me in Matthew 7:7-8, I will continue knocking at your door, seeking you, asking you to answer Lord. And according to your will and perfect timing, I know you will.
Matthew 7:7-8
Ask and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, and he who seeks, finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

But I must draw near to you. This is a conviction you have made known to me and I thank you for making me aware of that. That I must draw near to you. Something I have neglected doing for quite some time. I have been complacent in my drawing near to you. And for that I cannot do anything but seek your forgiveness. I must draw near to you and seek you. Lord you will find me. You will wake me up, reveal more of who you are to me, set my heart on fire for you so that I cant help but fall on my knees in a beautiful surrender and in complete worship for who you are. I want to encounter more real then ever, the love of God. Blow up my mind God. Open my heart God and open up my spirit God-to you and to a love encounter with you. On that goes deeper then the deepest of blue seas.

And Lord I pray this for my friends as well. That their hearts and spirits would be opened to you and to a love encounter with you. More real than ever before. Lord I pray the lyrics to "How he loves" (David Crowder)

He is jealous for me.
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions, eclipsed by glory
And I realize just how beautiful you are
And how great your affections are for me
And O, how he loves us all
O, how he loves us
How he loves us all
Yeah, he loves us, O, how he loves us
O, how he loves us, O, how he loves us.

A beautiful love encounter with our creator Jesus. Thank you Lord, with everything I have, thank you. Spirit fall down on me.
"Spirit Fall" (Phil Wickham)

How we need your light, guide us in your grace, guide us home
Lord, be all that we can see
We ask for you to come, we are on our knees
Save us by your grace. Lead us home
Spirit, fall. Hear the voices of, your children call out to you
We bow down. Hear the broken heart.
Have mercy on us now
Love is pouring from your heart
Hope is in your hands, life is in your arms
Here in your embrace, we are home
Glory, all the power is yours, Amen.