Monday, August 16, 2010


Who am I?

I AM….

A girl that prefers to be called “Kate” over “Kaitlin” but typically only when you know me well enough to consider me a real friend.



A hopeless romantic.

Lover of Jesus Christ.


Up for philosophical, political, theological, or any other kind of debate, but only on topics I have researched and know well enough about to have formed an honest opinion and argumentative basis.


Open minded.


Wild at heart.

Child-like love for life.

In love.


Under construction with a heart, mind and soul that is being made new and transformed by Jesus

Incapable of small talk

Natural ability to do beyond surface level conversation

Lover of real community

More interested in a divine romance and relationship with the Lord as opposed to a religion

Sinner. All too often.

Ability to find beauty in the small things that life has to offer

Lover of coffee houses

Americano Coffee drinker: no room for cream, 3 splendas

One of my biggest struggles is learning to surrender EVERYTHING to the Lord.

Unusually sensitive digestive system: probably due to the fact that I am lactose intolerant

Obsessed with working out

Obsessed with music

Find my “me time” in long drives (especially out on country dirt roads away from it all), road trips, or long runs




Love for people.

Love for serving and outreach

Believe my mission field is wherever I am located currently

Lover of big cities and small towns

Addicted to diet coke and coffee

Consider myself to be somewhat a triathalete

Sometimes try to erase things that I have done that I am not proud of

Crazy in love with my family and closest friends


Bruised and scared

Bandaged and healed

Sometimes all too closed off with my heart

Don’t always trust people easily

Carry the burdens of others but am still learning how to let others carry mine

Firm believer in the importance of surrender and the power of the Holy Spirit, but still learning how to do this and how to live by the Spirit and not of the World



Heart for West Dallas; the 11th poorest community in the United States and a 15 minute drive from Highland Park Dallas neighborhood

Know that the Lord has used others to speak his love and trust; no matter how hard that truth has been to hear sometimes

Witness the love of the Lord that he has for me and his people, everyday through other people

Confident, yet doubt myself and my abilities all too often

Look for my ability too often in my own strength and power as opposed to the Holy Spirit’s

OCD cleaner and organizer

Prefer a beach house over a house in the mountains, yet I love the mountains and Colorado is my favorite state

Learning to be selfless

Learning to forgive

Have experienced the love of a best friend and what it means to be one

Learning that it’s okay not to have it all together

My life philosophy: Purpose over Performance. Always. But this is a constant struggle of mine to live this out every day.

Currently taking part in God’s Redemption Story.

Saved by grace. Undergoing sanctification.

Greatest fear: failure

All too good at tripping on my own two feet in this journey called life

Learning to cry

Learning to have my pride broken

A broken woman living in a broken world….not yet who I was made to be

Struggle with letting others in to help me when I am in need, rather than carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders alone

Sometimes like to believe I can do it all on my own. And I can't....

Anxiously awaiting Heaven

Listen to music too loud and don’t like to turn it down when I’m on the phone

Currently a change in the making: moving closer to God’s glory

Believe that one of the worst felt pains in this life is saying goodbye to a good friend

Desire to travel

Desire to be a lifelong missionary: no matter what my mission field looks like

Heart for Africa

All too imperfect. You could say I’m simply perfect at being imperfect

Give into doubt, worry, and fear all too often


Desire to have faith like a little child

Learning to give more to others than myself

Desire to serve God by serving His people; yet I constantly fall short of doing so

Give into the world and my worldly desires all too often

Learning to accept, admit, and confess my imperfections and sins

Don’t know how to drive without speeding

Screwed up relationships and friendships more often than I liked to admit

Scared of commitment

Prefer the heat to the cold

Converse, Van, and TOMS shoe wearer

Trademarked by my white ball cap

Proud aunt and youngest sister of 4

Sometimes too ashamed to look at myself in the mirror because of my sins

Sometimes too ashamed and flooded by guilt of my sin to admit them. But learning to seek forgiveness rather than running in shame. And learning to repent.

Learning more and more each day the power of prayer. But sometimes doubt it. And I hate when I do.

Sometimes too concerned with how others perceive me, as opposed to how God sees me.

Sometimes find my worth and value in how others see me, in their opinions and judgments, as opposed to God’s.

Blessed by illnesses in the past that I have witnessed and that my family has witnessed

Pro at people skills

Can’t quite see the better version of myself yet, but I know it’s out there to discover

Completely incomplete with out Jesus

Good listener. But don’t always like to talk about myself. Sometimes it takes a good amount of prying to find out how my heart is REALLY doing

Don’t offer my heart or open it up for just anyone. Even those who really know me and really know my heart, have had to pursue me greatly and patiently in order to be let in

Action taker

Completely not artistic

Debater. Love a good argument

Sometimes stop to think twice of what other people will think of me before acting but learning to do this less

Liberal minded in my social views

Sometimes a procrastinator.

Don’t believe in manicures….I chew my nails

Prefer salts to sweets

Coffee cup collector

Love to write letters to family and friends

Find expression through music, lyrics and writing

Not who I was 4 years ago. A complete 180.

Finally forgiven myself for my past as I have accepted the Lord’s perfect grace and love

Desire to be captivated and fully loved by the man of my dreams…whoever he may be.

Desire to be pursued authentically by this man. Desire to be found beautiful by him. Desire to be forever loved.


Lover of public speaking

Determined to do my part each day to make this world a better place



Hopeful, yet sometimes feel lost in the dark trying to find the light when I forget to open my eyes

Have been given a changed perspective to see God’s people as he sees them, but have to pray every day I remember to use that perspective

Learning the importance of prayer

Need to dig into God’s Word more often than I do. And need to pray more often than I do.

Firm believer in the importance of being surrounded and encouraged by a body of believers, to walk in faith together

Firm believer in the importance of prayer, finding out who God is through his Word

Firm believer in the importance of quiet time, but don’t give enough of my time as it deserves

Firm believer in community

Desire to travel the country and travel the world

Desire to own a coffee shop when I grow old someday and call it: Under Construction

Firm believer that the best conversations take place during long car drives

Incredibly blessed by the forgiveness good friends have offered me

Dehydrate all too often

Learning the true meaning of integrity and honesty

Desire that the day of my funeral be a celebration rather than a mourning of my life. And a celebration for where I have gone

…. And so on…

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